How sustainable is my organization?
You can try to answer the question from a customer perspective or internally. What do you radiate outwardly and how fair is that? How is sustainability organized and tested against laws and regulations (CSRD -0), ISO standards or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? How deeply rooted is sustainability in the organization’s DNA and culture? You may be working with partners in a chain, so to what extent can you control sustainability yourself?
The real answer comes from an extensive assessment. From there we can get started with a sustainable transformation to increase sustainability.
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, as defined by the 1987 UN Brundtland Commission (Wikipedia).
Since 1987, many international and local initiatives have been launched to gain insight and improve sustainability.
Sustainability initiatives have evolved over the years into methods, standards, tools and assessments. To assess where you stand as an organization and to plan improvement steps. The method used depends on the sector(s) in which you operate. An educational institution measures the embedding of sustainability differently than a factory, a logistics company, a financial organization or the government. To name just a few examples.
The assessment is the first step towards action. Measure to improve. Preferably step-by-step, plan-do-check-act, so that you get immediate feedback on the result and can adjust for success. Approaching sustainable development in an Agile way, we call that Sustainagility.
At Green Leadership, we test the outlines of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with an impact analysis.
If you have already taken steps with your organization, you can go into depth. For example, with an ISO 26000 -1 process-oriented assessment, a LCA -2 (Life Cycle Assessment) focused on products (development), a GPM360 -3 Project Management assessment, a financial ESG -4 analysis (Environmental, Social and Governance) focused on investments / investments, AISHE -5 for educational institutions, or with another ( industry) specific assessment. Together we agree on what is useful in terms of measurement based on set goals and desired actions. Naturally, the assessment provides a nice report as a baseline measurement and forms the basis for desired follow-up steps.
Using Green Leadership, we will work together with you on those next steps to implement the transformation. With our Lean & Agile approach, we are experts in change processes and are happy to help you and your organization.
Schedule an appointment to discuss a step-by-step plan together: Afspraak — Green Leadership
The original article was published in Dutch on LinkedIn:
-0 CSRD — Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, EU legislation.
-1 ISO 26000 —is an international ISO standard, which focuses on corporate social responsibility — ISO 26000 — Wikipedia
-2 LCA —Life Cycle Assessment of a product, also called cradle to grave analysis.— Life-cycle assessment — Wikipedia
-3 GPM360 — GPM360 Green Project CertificationGo (
-4 ESG criteria are environmental, social and governance criteria for a company’s activities that may have an impact on society or the environment. — Environmental, social, and corporate governance — Wikipedia
-5 AISHE — Assessment Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education —